VIBES synergies at COMPOSIFORUM 2022


COMPOSIFORUM 2022 was the third edition of the International Industrial Forum on composite materials and their applications, organised by AITIIP on 17th November 2022, at the Paraninfo Building of the University of Zaragoza in Spain. It was attended by 83 participants from industry, technology centres & institutions and academia.

At this edition, VIBES representatives met with other projects, such as BIZENTE and HELACS, and with other researchers in the field. Experts from Universities, research centres and representatives of top companies in the market, such as Airbus, EvoEnzyme, Isover-Saint Gobain, Urbaser, Aeropuerto de Teruel and Grupo Antolín, discussed the future of composites and their valorisation in industrial sectors such as aeronautical, construction and automotive.

The participation in COMPOSIFORUM is part of the dissemination activities of VIBES. Mr. Julio Vidal, senior researcher from AITIIP, gave a lecture about the project, focusing on the main challenge for thermosets and their inability to be recycled, by analysing two different approaches to tackle their recyclability: Covalent Adaptable Networks (CANs) and biological degradation triggered by enzymes. The presentation summarised the most promising results achieved so far in the frame of the VIBES project.